About Us

At Slash-Tax, our mission is to make homeownership more affordable for everyone by minimizing property tax bills and simplifying the appeals process.

Our Mission

At Slash-Tax, our mission is to make homeownership more affordable for everyone by minimizing property tax bills and simplifying the appeals process.

How We Do It

• We make the appeals process simple: easy sign-up, straightforward tracking, and real savings
• We leverage our market expertise and proprietary technology to present strong, fact-based appeals to appraisal districts on behalf of our clients

Our Commitment

• We ensure our clients only pay their fair share of taxes—no more!
• We advocate for fairness, transparency, and reducing the financial burden for our clients, one appeal at a time.

Our History

Even from our early days, in 2010, we strived to build lasting relationships with our customers through trust & respect. Mauris egestas magna at magna semper, eu ornare nulla cursus.

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Our Team

Our team of experienced professionals has years of expertise in property taxes, data analysis, development, and customer support.

Javier Guerrero

Founder and CEO

Chris Blacksmith

Chief technology officer

Evan Woods

Property tax operations

Sam Whittemore

Data Analyst

Elisa Camacho

HR & Administration


Chief of mischief
Ready to Reduce your property taxes?

Request a demo of any of our products today and see how they can help you streamline your operations & boost revenue!

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